Sometimes you might want to disabled certain Activity Categories. Perhaps you created your own Custom Activity Categories, and some of them are duplicates of our defaults. Maybe you don't want to overwhelm your job seekers with too many activity category options. Or maybe you want to replace an old activity category with a new one. Whatever the case may be, Huntr makes it easy to disable (or re-enable) activity categories.
How to disable an activity category

- From within your advisor portal, go to the settings page
- Scroll down until you get to the Activity Categories table
- Here you will see all Huntr default and your own custom activity categories
- To disable an activity category just click on the checkbox under the Enabled column for the activity category you want to disable.
- If you want to re-enable the activity category, then just toggle the checkbox back on.
Are existing activities of a specific category affected?
No, disabling an activity category ONLY flags that category as disabled (read the sections below to better understand the effects of disabling an activity category). Huntr will not modify or delete any existing activities that belong to the category that you disabled. Existing logged activities of the disabled category will still be visible by your job seekers in their board and by your advisors in the Activities table. You can always re-enable a disabled activity category at a later time.
How does this affect job seekers?
From a job seeker's perspective, when an activity category is disabled it has the following effects:

- The job seeker will not see the activity category listed as an option when creating a new activity or modifying an existing one. Therefore, job seekers will not be able to log new activities of this category.
- The job seeker will not see the activity category listed in the Activities by start date chart in their board metrics section (unless they have logged an activity of that category within the time-frame they're analyzing).
- The job seeker will STILL see any existing activities of the disabled category type in their board Activities section, they just won't be able to log new activities belonging to that category.
How does this affect the advisor portal?
From an advisor's perspective, when an activity category is disabled it has the following effects:
In the dashboard

- The disabled activity category will not show up in the **Activities by Category** chart (unless there are existing logged activities of that category within the time-frame you're analyzing)
- The disabled activity category will not show up in the Key Activities chart as an option
- In both the Job Seeker Activity Counts and Employer Activity Counts charts, the column for the disabled activity category will be hidden by default. The column can still be force-shown by clicking on the cogwheel icon and toggling the column on.